Dubbo and Tamworth are the next two regional towns to host Jirsch Sutherland’s popular insolvency information sessions.
Partner Henry McKenna has been visiting these towns regularly for the past four years, but this will be the first time he will be presenting an educational seminar.
“I’ve tended to meet people one on one when I’m in the area so this new format means I’ll be able to present to a wider audience,” he says. “Every time I visit I find the people really welcoming and appreciative of the information.”

The half-hour seminars will appeal to accountants, lawyers and finance professionals but Henry says anyone who is a member of the business community will be welcome.
“The presentations are designed to be very practical and will include a number of case studies and war stories, which makes the information more relatable,” Henry says. “We didn’t want to just give a technical, legal presentation that had little relevance to what the audience were used to dealing with on a daily basis.”
Topics for both seminars focus on improving your cash flow and restructuring distressed businesses using insolvency processes. Henry will also be joined by a co-presenter at each seminar. “We aim to keep the presentations short and punchy. We want the audience to take away three or four key points and have been engaged with the presenters,” Henry adds.
Henry is also available after each presentation if anyone has further issues they’d like to discuss with him.
A similar roadshow will be held in Griffith, NSW, in early 2018.
To date this year, Jirsch Sutherland has visited more than 40 regional areas, conducting educational seminars on a wide range of topics including options available for companies facing financial difficulties.
The Dubbo event takes place on Thursday, November 2 at the Dubbo RSL Club from 7.30am.
The Tamworth event takes place on Thursday, November 9 at the Ibis Styles Hotel from 7.15am.
To register or for more information on either event, contact Louise at Jirsch Sutherland on (02) 9236 8333 or email: louisep@jirschsutherland.com.au