Webinar Videos & Slides


Most recent webinars (ordered by: latest - oldest)

Webinar: Insolvency 101: An overview of Covid-driven insolvency

Webinar date: 8 December 2020
This year has been unprecedented, with a raft of government COVID support measures designed to assist Australian businesses. There has been a myriad of changes and, like everyone, the insolvency industry has had to pivot quickly to keep abreast of the rapidly evolving landscape.

This will be a compelling webinar for all business advisers, including junior staff, associates, clients and those who might not have a clear understanding of insolvency – particularly the changes that have been implemented this year – and for those who haven’t been through a recession before and are uncertain what the economic impact is likely to be.

Webinar: Preparing for the COVID recovery

Webinar date: 23 July 2020
We look at preparing for the post-COVID recovery. We are joined by guest speaker, Ms Kate Carnell AO, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO).

With the Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg handing down the government’s mini-Budget on July 23 and with many wondering what the decision will be about JobKeeper beyond September 27, this will be a compelling webinar – and should not to be missed.

Webinar: Small business survival beyond COVID

Webinar date: 3 June 2020

With plenty of discussion about how SMEs will survive in the “pandemic shadow”, particularly once the COVID-19 stimulus packages end, we will discuss how small businesses can prepare for survival beyond the coronavirus crisis – and what ongoing support needs to be put in place.

We would be delighted if you would join us to hear from special guest speaker, Bill Lang, director of Small Business Australia, business educator, coach, adviser and entrepreneur, who will discuss the challenges (both pre-COVID and post-COVID) and what action plans and reforms can and should be put in place. It promises to be a lively discussion – and there’ll be time for audience questions at the end. Whether you’re a trusted business adviser or company director, you’ll find this webinar valuable.

Webinar: Dispelling Bankruptcy Myths

Webinar date: 13 May 2020

With an expected spike in business-related (and other) personal insolvencies predicted over the next 12-18 months, our webinar will delve into the topic of bankruptcies and dispel some of the common myths surrounding personal insolvency.

With such a specialist topic, it’s vital to have bankruptcy specialists on our panel. And we are thrilled to have Michael Murray, a renowned lawyer, author and commentator on personal and corporate insolvency law, as our headline speaker.

Webinar Session 3: Flattening the Insolvency Curve

Webinar date: 22 April 2020

As a follow up to our second discussion, the third 45-minute webinar will provide insights and cover hypothetical scenarios following on the tourism, hospitality and retail industries. The pressure for businesses to continue to move forward is often blinding and our presenters will use these scenarios to provide clarity on how to know when to utilise insolvency regimes to employ a "tactical retreat". Another key topic is recognising when it's time to effectively wind up a company's affairs.

Webinar Session 2: Flattening the Insolvency Curve

Webinar date: 15 April 2020

As a follow up to our first discussion, the second 45-minute webinar will provide an insight, through discussing our hypothetical scenarios, focusing on the construction industry and not-for-profit sectors. We will also discuss when it may be appropriate to utilise a Voluntary Administration/Deed of Company Arrangement in conjunction with the stimulus measures in order to undertake a financial and/or operational restructure.

Webinar Session 1: Flattening the Insolvency Curve

Webinar date: 8 April 2020

With so much, often ill-informed media speculation about the impact of Covid-19 on business, the first 30 minute power packed discussion may provide some practical information that will help you and your clients.

or email us at: coronavirus@jirschsutherland.com.au

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WA Insolvency Solutions